A woman looking desperately for work goes to the plant where they make
Tickle Me Elmo dolls. The Personnel Manager goes over her resume and tells
her that he regrets that he has nothing worthy of her background that he
might offer her. The women replies that she really needs work and will take
almost anything. The Personnel Manager thinks about it and then says that he
does have one job that requires very low level skills on the Tickle Me Elmo
production line. The women is thrilled at the opportunity and happily accepts
the job. Then the manager takes her down to the assembly line and explains
her duties to her. She replies that she thinks that she can handle the job
and agrees to report for work at 8:00 A.M. the next morning.
The next day at 8:45, there's a knock on the Personnel Manager's door; the
Tickle Me Elmo line manager comes in and starts ranting about the women just
hired. After the line manager screaming for 15 minutes about how badly backed
up the assembly line is, the Personnel Manager suggests that the line manager
show him the problem. Together they head down to the line and sure enough,
Elmo's are backed up from here to kingdom come, as far as the eye can see.
Right at the end of the line is the women just hired. She has pulled over a
roll of material used for Elmo's furry exterior and she has a big bag of
marbles at her side. Both managers watch as she cuts out a small swatch of
the material, takes two marbles and begins sewing them between Elmo's legs.
The Personnel Manager starts to kill himself laughing, and finally, after
about 20 minutes of rolling around in hysterics, he pulls himself together
and walks over to his newest employee. "I'm sorry", he says to her.
"I guess you misunderstood me yesterday. What I wanted you to do was to give
each Elmo two test tickles."